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Poll: Should Anne Hathaway Keep Her Pixie Haircut? (It Sure Sounds Like She Plans To!)

According to the December issue of Vogue, we shouldn't be holding our breath waiting for Anne Hathaway to grow out her pixie haircut. She originally lost her long hair for her role as Fantine in Les Miserables and we've seen her working the red carpet with short-short strands over the past year.


“I love the short-haired lifestyle,” Hathaway tells Vogue writer Adam Green in the article. “It’s awesome that I was able to go for a hike right before I came here to meet you, quickly wash my hair, and now it’s dry ... I’m turning 30, and—I hope this isn’t obnoxious to say—I feel prettier, and much more myself. I guess I just feel much more satisfied with less now.” She added that the only downside to the short hair is having to get it cut every three weeks.

I love that Anne's loving her short hair, and I think it looks fantastic on her--but I admit that I do already miss her spectacularly beautiful updos and her perplexingly healthy/shiny long hair.


In fact, if you asked me which way Anne looks prettier, I'm not sure I could decide. Just for fun, let's do a little poll and see which way the rest of you are leaning.